Hello there, my name is Mr. N***a, I am a very respected businessman in my community. I have 5 PHD's in talking bullshit and not one of them have been useful until now, you see here, all these NG podcasters all seem like they are bored out their mind have a stick up their ass while talking. They just sound boring. But here, in my podcast at least, we will be talking about GROUNDBREAKING, HEARTWRENCHING NEWS ONLY! Only the most serious topics on NG or just the world in general. The podcast will be completely unfiltered, so all that word salad crap we are used to disappears. Goodbye bitch, abracadabra! This is the Bitching Podcast.
And remember, be that n***a you wanna be
Will the podcast talk about such a important stuff such as the 2023 film "The Peasants"?
It will talk about even more important stuff when the episodes comes out I will expose you the truth about the real world!!!